【双语】热热闹闹中国年 Facts: 事实: January 31, 2014 - The Chinese year 4712 is scheduled to begin. 2014年1月31日是中华纪年法——中元4712年的开始。 2014 is the year of the Horse. 2014年是马年。 The Chinese New Year is celebrated during the second new moon after the winter solstice, usually between Jan. 21 and Feb. 19 on the Gregorian calendar. 中国的新年一般在冬至后第二个新月的时候庆祝,在公历年1月21日到2月19日之间。 Chinese New Year festivities begin on the 1st day of the month and continues until the 15th, when the moon is full. 中国的春节从正月初一开始一直持续到十五月圆的时候。 Chinese legend holds that Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on New Year's Day and named a year after each of the twelve animals that came. 中国有这样的传说:佛让所有的动物在新年时去参拜他并且依照12个前来拜见动物的次序,为每一年冠名。 The animals in the Chinese calendar are the dog, pig/boar, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, and rooster. 这些动物是中国的生肖分别是:狗、猪、鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡。 Also according to legend, people born in each animal's year have some of that animal's personality traits. 另外中国还有一个传说那就是哪一生肖年出生的人就具备哪种动物的性格特征。 Traditions: 传统: Each day of the fifteen-day celebration has its own traditions, such as visiting in-laws or staying home to welcome good fortune. 春节15天,天天有不同的习俗:比如哪天该走亲访友、哪天该待着家里等好运临门。 Fireworks displays during Chinese New Year stem from a custom of lighting bamboo stalks on fire to ward off evil spirits. In China, families gather together for meals, especially for a feast on New Year's Eve. 春节放烟花爆竹的风俗起源于中国一个古老的传统:举着点着的竹子游行驱赶恶鬼坏运气。在中国,家家户户聚在一起进餐,特别是在除夕之夜。 Chinese New Year ends with the lantern festival, celebrated at night with displays and parades of painted lanterns. 中国的春节以元宵节结尾,人们在元宵节晚上走上街头赏花灯。 The highlight of the Lantern Festival is the Dragon Dance. Beautiful dragons made of paper, silk and bamboo are held overhead, and appear to dance as they make their way along the parade routes. 元宵节的重头戏是舞龙表演。美丽的龙是用纸、丝绸以及竹子制作而成。表演的人们将龙举过头顶,一边舞动一边沿着游行队伍前进。