英文版《my twenty-five years in china》(在华二十五年)。该书作者约翰•本杰明•鲍威尔(John Benjamin Powell)20世纪上半叶美国驻华新闻记者,《密勒氏评论报》主笔和发行人。于1917年来到上海,他把刚到上海时的观感在书中第25页“an international city(上海)一座国际城市”一章中作这样的叙述:
“......at that time no chinese was admitted to any municipal park in the foreign area....one park,known as the Bund Garden,became a serious political issue in Sino-foreign politices due to a sign erected over the gateway containing te regulations for the use of the garden,among the regulations warning against picking flower or destroying the property were two special items,one of which stated that dogs cuold not be taken into the park and another further down the list,reading"no chinese,except work coolies,are admitted."later when trouble between the foreigners and chinese developed,student agitators made effective use of the slogan,"dogs and chinese not admitted."