本帖最后由 千座高原 于 2022-5-1 22:24 编辑
26) Truly, if you wage battles (wars), then there is no god and no tin gods who lead you on the battlefield (field of war) because they are only hazy pictures (fantasies) of godly (religious) zealots (fanatics) who want to make you proud of them; everything godly (religious observances) is useless because fabulated (invented) forms such as godheads and tin gods possess neither power nor ability to effect anything; therefore, if you wage battles (wars) then they can neither help you to victory nor to flight.
27) Truly, it is decided (determined) through the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) that peace and love, as well as freedom and consonance (harmony) shall rule amongst people of your kind (human beings), therefore you shall follow them in order to receive a good reward.
28) Spread the joyful message of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life in a peaceful wise amongst all those who open their ears to it and want to learn; never attempt to draw attention to the truth-teaching with Gewalt (terror), just as you shall also not represent the teaching with the sword or with other weapons of the dangerousness and killing, but rather only in true love and equitableness (fairness), in peace and freedom, so that a consonance (harmony) is given and that delight and permanent happiness may arise.
28)以和平的方式,在所有那些愿意听,愿意学习的人当中传播真理之教导、灵之教导以及生活之教导令人快乐的消息;绝对不要用 Gewalt(恐惧)来吸引人们对真理教导的关注,同样你也不应用剑或其他危险的用于杀戮的武器来代表它,而之应该代之以真爱、平等(公正)、和平与自由,这样才能产生和谐,快乐与持久的幸福。