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文/茉莉 也许,在某一天的某一个夜晚,当我再次看到它的时候,不再是一种莫名的不安,而是一种如水的宁静。 于是,我期盼,如水的月光,如水的心境…… 当我徜徉在文字的角落里倾诉时,抬头却发现月亮不知何时已悄悄消失在一片模糊的光晕里,它的影子越来越淡,我浮躁的心也开始慢慢消融在这片模糊的光晕里。这轮皎月在我的视线里渐行渐远,因为它要在自己的轨道上运转,但它为初夏的夜,却带来了一抹美丽,也悄悄带走了一份纯纯的牵念。 月光洒满窗台,初夏的月虽没有深秋明月那样清澈纯净,但那不太清晰的轮廓却散发出柔和的月辉,似深夜燃亮的那盏橘黄色的灯,让人想起灯下那静静等待晚归的人……。此情此景,触动了内心深处那一席柔软,仿佛看到在模糊的光晕里映射出不曾远离的往事,随之,思绪便游离于身体之外,带着一缕温暖和牵念,在如水的月光下划起一圈又一圈微澜,任它在心头荡漾开来的时侯,感觉心头却如针刺一般,有一种忍不住落泪的痛。痴痴凝望着远在天涯的皎月,轻轻叩问近在咫尺的心扉,细细体味着咫尺天涯的距离,用柔软的双手掬起一捧月辉,寂静的一池清辉里没有别人,doudoune moncler,只有自己那张再也熟悉不过的脸庞,这脸庞写满的不是寂寞,也不是冷漠,只有一种默默的牵念…… 天气晴好,皎月如梭,现实和梦想的交织
meteor the ruthless, moment planning horizon, but for a promise, love for a meteor dream, contrary to their principles, in pain after suffering romantic, quietly leave, hiding behind the night and had to tears; the hollow bamboo, but for a ridiculous dream, to dream of the girl, in order to get her the favor and attention, depression of the white out, miserable death, but ultimately no one can get. I use all of my really, waiting in searching their love, he finally came, so the joy is to make my life last only one second I am willing, will be a All the hard work, give up all hope of dignity to the guardian of love, no water, I use my tears to water, no fertilizer, when I love to care for, hard to add, but why sleep dream of true love followed by remorse? I backed off, afraid of my love, God's waiting for me not sure, I unfair to me I could do nothing, give me the pain of childhood lingering soul, touch the can not afford, and now I recognize the hit, I just want to ask you - I do not expect happiness, and I can only wish you to give me a little less fight, give me that line is not happy? Oh heart of love to the negative end is futile, but your soul in exchange for love as a game. was like a meteor wood lotus love samples immersed silly to wait. Is to see their own even if only one side of the angels are willing, and other heart empty, waiting for heart failure in that, after the flowers emitting a melancholy, a sense of loss dependence on wind bid farewell to wait, say goodbye once persistent pursuit of the dream, it is What kind of heartache, but also what's frustration? Why love is always with the wind? Whether to give up the pursuit of dreams, whether to give up the desire of happiness will not lose heart, it is not remorse? common can not withstand any storm hit, can not stand the time of torture.。 在“牵念”那挥之不去的忧虑中,moncler,我想起了一个人。 在这个和“拓展训练”没有任何牵连的夜晚,abercrombie and fitch,我又想起了“可乐”教官和他在“毕业墙”下的那一番话。在他娓娓道来的诉说里,过往的一幕幕事,一张张脸,一个个背影,abercrombie and fitch,无比清晰的在眼前跳跃,如此鲜活生动。当沉睡的情感被唤醒时,每一个人都忍不住潸然泪下,but still carrying a huge wave of energy meteor the ruthless, moment planning horizon, but for a promise, love for a meteor dream, contrary to their principles, in pain after suffering romantic, quietly leave, hiding behind the night and had to tears; the hollow bamboo, but for a ridiculous dream, to dream of the girl, in order to get her the favor and attention, depression of the white out, miserable death, but ultimately no one can get. I use all of my really, waiting in searching their love, he finally came, so the joy is to make my life last only one second I am willing, will be a All the hard work, give up all hope of dignity to the guardian of love, no water, I use my tears to water, no fertilizer, when I love to care for, hard to add, but why sleep dream of true love followed by remorse? I backed off, afraid of my love, God's waiting for me not sure, I unfair to me I could do nothing, give me the pain of childhood lingering soul, touch the can not afford, and now I recognize the hit, I just want to ask you - I do not expect happiness, and I can only wish you to give me a little less fight, give me that line is not happy? Oh heart of love to the negative end is futile, but your soul in exchange for love as a game. was like a meteor wood lotus love samples immersed silly to wait. Is to see their own even if only one side of the angels are willing, and other heart empty, waiting for heart failure in that, after the flowers emitting a melancholy, a sense of loss dependence on wind bid farewell to wait, say goodbye once persistent pursuit of the dream, it is What kind of heartache, but also what's frustration? Why love is always with the wind? Whether to give up the pursuit of dreams, whether to give up the desire of happiness will not lose heart, it is not remorse? common can not withstand any storm hit, can not stand the time of torture.,coach outlet,由此也霍然发现,曾经的烦恼忧伤是因为太在意失去的,而纠结在失去的懊悔中时却忽视了拥有的一切,于是,louboutin pas cher,快乐便远离身边,烦恼时时纠缠着理还乱的心结,abercrombie,当在企图寻觅、找回丢失的快乐时,不知不觉就丢失了自己,迷失了方向,漠视着心中那份感动,abercrombie paris,浮出的总是种种的不满意。想到此,纷繁的心绪逐渐恢复了平静,那莫名牵挂的阵痛缓缓减弱。其实,无论是牵挂或被牵挂都应该是一种拥有的幸福,漫漫人生长河中,相聚本是前生有缘,能相识相知更是今生之福,abercrombie and fitch paris,如果有那么几个人或几件事能在彼此的生命之河中激起朵朵浪花,不管这浪花是溅湿了心情还是愉悦着旅途,既然能挂念在心中,都应该且行且珍惜,abercrombie,且祝福且珍重。 | |
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