就在卡森成为麦卡勒斯之后不到三年,那个张爱玲出版《倾城之恋》,或者张悦然发表《水仙已乘鲤鱼去》的妙龄时期,长篇小说《心是孤独的猎手》(The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, 1940)顺利出版,并获一炮走红待遇。此时欧洲战火刚刚点燃不久,美国即将迎来历史上最辉煌的三十年大跃进。第二年,卡森与瑞斯解除婚约,到纽约与《时尚芭莎》杂志(Harper's Bazaar)编辑兼小说家乔治·戴维斯(George Davis)同居,成为当时布鲁克林艺术团体“二月小屋”的成员,并在其长篇小说《金色眼睛的映像》(Reflections in a Golden Eye, 1941)中有一些蛛丝马迹的显摆。
二战结束后,卡森曾长居巴黎,并在那里与瑞斯复婚。一九四八年,卡森被多次误诊、绵延十余年的疾病最终导致其身体左侧全面瘫痪,令卡森几度流露自杀倾向,幸赖瑞斯和朋友们的鼓励,特别是两年前出版的小说《婚礼成员》(The Member of the Wedding, 1946),给了她活下去的勇气。不久卡森亲自捉刀,将这部大受欢迎的小说改编成百老汇剧本,连续盛演五百余场,而同期出版的小说集《伤心咖啡馆之歌》(The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, 1951)则于五十多年后成为中国麦粉的最爱。
到了一九五三年,各种绝望的瑞斯和卡森约定一起自杀,但卡森却临阵退缩,只有瑞斯服用过量安眠药,在二人巴黎居住的旅馆里长眠。在后来的悲喜剧《美妙的平方根》(The Square Root of Wonderful,1957)中,卡森触及到这段特别伤感的经历。 余下的生命里,除了小说和剧本,卡森几乎尝试了包括诗歌、评论、通讯、随笔等一切文学体裁的写作,并获得同时代的好评。
二〇〇六年,卡森·麦卡勒斯在纽约的旧居被列入美国《国家史迹名录》(National Register of Historic Places)。
Mick Kelly - The fourth child in a family of six. Fourteen years old, Mick is tall for her age and very thin, with short blond hair and blue eyes. She is often absorbed in private thoughts and dreams, such as learning to play the piano and traveling in foreign countries. Mick's family is poor and takes on boarders as a way to make money.
【此岸补】一出场的米克,是一个十三岁的瘦高女孩,放学后推着婴儿车带上小学生巴伯和刚会坐的拉夫两个弟弟街上遛弯儿。在一幢尚未完工的别墅前,姐姐把小弟交给大弟看,自己跨过“请勿入内”的牌子爬进去,在墙壁上涂上几个鼎鼎大名:EDISON、DICK TRACY、MUSSOLINI、MOZART,当然,还有“娘希匹”之类的脏话,以及自己的红色签名:M. K.
Spiros Antonapoulos - A deaf-mute who is Singer's best friend. Antonapoulos and Singer live together for more than ten years until Antonapoulos is sent to an insane asylum at the beginning of the story. He is fat, greasy, and lazy, never signing anything with his hands unless he is talking about eating, drinking, or sleeping.
Dr. Benedict Mady Copeland - An aging black doctor who works tirelessly virtually all the time. Dr. Copeland, traveled to the North for an education and then returned to the South out of a feeling of duty to help blacks. He often feels uncontrollable anger about the injustices black people suffer in the South. Dr. Copeland is smart, very fastidious and precise in his manner of speaking and word choice, and somewhat estranged from his family.
Jake Blount - A heavy-drinking, ranting man who comes into town and frequents Mr. Brannon's café. Jake is a bizarre looking man: short, but with long arms, large hands, and a moustache that appears oddly detached from his somewhat distorted face. He drinks constantly and often goes on long, frustrated rants about socialism. Jake's behavior is extremely volatile and occasionally violent.