是幻影,是记忆。 There are visions, there are memories
那里回旋着雷鸣般的蹄音。 There are echoes of thundering hooves
是战火,是嘲笑。 There are fires, there is laughter
那是成千只鸽子的声音。 There's the sound of a thousand doves
前进吧,穿越夜空前行 Ride on Through the night Ride on
前进吧,穿越夜空前行…… Ride on Through the night Ride on
在夜晚的柔和里, In the velvet of the darkness
经过沉默的树木剪影。 By the silhouette of silent trees
她们在注视,她们在等待, They are watching ,they are waiting
她们亲眼见证着生命的奥秘。 They are witnessing life's mysteries
前进吧,穿越夜空前行 Ride on Through the night Ride on
前进吧,穿越夜空前行…… Ride on Through the night Ride on
熟睡的山丘上流淌着瀑布般的星辉, Cascading stars on the slumbering hills
她们在舞动一直延伸到大海那样遥远。 They are dancing as far as the sea
行过这片土地,你可以感到它的温柔手, Riding o'er the land, you can feel its gentle hand
正指引着它的命运。 Leading on to its destiny
前进吧,穿越夜空前行 Ride on Through the night Ride on
前进吧,穿越夜空前行…… Ride on Through the night Ride on
带上我陪你踏上征途, Take me with you on this journey
不管哪里是时间的边缘现在出发。 Where the boundaries of time are now tossed
在森林的教堂, In cathedrals of the forest
在烦琐的词语中现在就遗忘。 In the words of the tongues now lost
去找寻答案。提出问题, Find the answers, ask the questions
去找一棵古老的树根。 Find the roots of an ancient tree
与我一起共舞,与我共同歌唱。 Take me dancing, take me singing
我将一直前行,直到月亮与大海相认。 I'll ride on till the moon meets the sea
前进吧,穿越夜空前行 Ride on Through the night Ride on
前进吧,穿越夜空前行…… Ride on Through the night Ride on作者: 东莱子 时间: 2010-3-13 14:42
梅三娘LX 发表于 2010-3-13 08:20
谢谢来访.握手三娘!作者: 东莱子 时间: 2010-3-13 14:44
《穿越高加索山的夜骑士》 《Night Ride Across The Caucasus》
勃兰威尔 译
是幻影,是记忆。 There are visions, there are m ...
公子小黑 发表于 2010-3-13 12:15